

The soybean, soy bean, or soya bean is a species of legume native to East Asia, widely grown for its edible bean, which has numerous uses. Traditional unfermented food uses of soybeans include soy milk, from which tofu and tofu skin are made. The soybean is economically the most important bean in the world, providing vegetable protein for millions of people and ingredients for hundreds of chemical products.

The soybean is one of the richest and cheapest sources of protein and is a staple in the diets of people and animals in numerous parts of the world. The seed contains 17% oil and 63% meal, 50%of which is protein. Because soybeans contain no starch, they are a good source of protein for diabetics.

In East Asia and elsewhere, the bean is extensively consumed in the form of soy milk. Soy sauce, a salty brown liquid, is produced from crushed soybeans and wheat that undergo yeast fermentation in salt water for six months to a year or more; it is a ubiquitous ingredient in Asian cooking.


PURE FRESHLY HARVESTED: Pure freshly harvested Pigeon Soybean Kernels.

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